The first place i visited with my family is Halifax. It is located in the the Southeast with a latitude of 44° 38' 0" N and longitude 63° 35' 0" W.
The population of Halifax is 359,000 and is 2508 square kilometers
making to population density 143.14. Halifax is in the Appalachian Landform. Through to year the weather changes through out each season. In a year their maximum temperature on average is 11.2OC and the minimum is 3.2OC.
It rain on a average of 11 day every month. The climate region Halifax is in is the Atlantic Maritlme region. The soil region Halfax is in is Wet-climate soils and the Vegetaion region their in is Mixed forest. Halifax is in the Atlantic
Maritime Ecozone so in the summer its kind of warm but a little chilly
and in the winter not to cold. The closest national park to Halifax is
Wetlands Nation Park. The park was found and named in 1992 and covers an
area of 66.1 km². Major industries in Halifax are agriculture, fishing,
mining, forestry and natural gas. There are many tourist attractions in
Halifax including; Brewery Market, Cathedral Church of All Saints,
Halifax City Hall, and Halifax Public Gardens.
The Halifax Peninsula is a community its is located in the core of Halifax Regional Municipality. It brings in most of the money in to the area. On 1 April 1996 the Halifax Regional Municipality was formed. Measuring 3.3 km at its widest and 7.5 km at its longest Near the center of the peninsula is a plateau about 40-50m high.
The Halifax Harbour is also located in the Halifax Regional Municipality. It is located on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia and is very large. The harbour is called Jipugtug by the Mi'kmaqChebucto. It runs in a northwest-southeast direction. The harbour is made of drowned glaciers making the sea levels all different in some places.
Map of Halifax |
My Family's Visit
The first day to relax, no more driving. Of coarse i was sleeping in the car so I was up and ready to go see everything. My parents were so tired from switching from drive to the navigator they didn't want to do much. I reminded them were only book for a certain amount of time here and there was so much to do. My parents and I finally all agreed that we would get a private boat and got up the Harbour for the day. I agreed because it I loved relaxing on a boat (and i needed to work on my tan). The boat was really relaxing just like I expected but I didn't get much of a tan because it was a little chilly on the water so I had to put a sweater on. Before we came to Halifax I was looking a website where people recommend you should go some we took 1 persons advice, took out car and went for a drive through Annapolis Valley. Also I read there was a cheese place in Halifax, I forced my parents to take me there. We didn't do much more, of course we had o go shopping and we looked around and got pictures.