
Regina is located in the South West the latitude is 50° 27' 0" N and the longitude is 104° 35' 0" W. The population of Regina was 193,000 and the land is 3422km2 making the population density 5.63 people per km2. In Regina the landforms are mostly flat and dry, it is in the Interior Plains. The weather is kind for warm kind of cool in the summer and the winters are dry through out the year, the average temperature is 2.6°C. They get a average 364mm of precipitation in a year. One reason the land is so flat and dry is because of the ecozone, they live in the Prairies where it is usually warmish and get barley any snow. The soil region they live in is the Cry-climate soils and the vegetation region their in is the Grassland region. The closest national park to Regina is  Grassland national park. Major industries in Regina are;
  • Steel and Manufacturing
  • Information Technology
  • Energy and Environment
  • Finance & Insurance
  • Agri-Business 
 Important tourist attractions in Regina Mackenzie Art Gallery, Kramer IMAX Theater, and the Royal Saskatchewan Museum.

Map of Regina

Kramer IMAX Theater

My Family's Visit
When we got there we just relaxed for a bit. The first thing we went to was the Kramer IMAX Theater. We watched almost every movie they were showing. Then since we didn't go to the museum in Montreal we went to the art museum after and the Royal Saskatchewan museum. The next day we took a drive to Grassland's national park and just spent the day there. I got a bunch of pictures we ate lunch there and just hiked around.